Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Logo IMPP Manual

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Executive Director Memorandums

50 Mile Travel Rule Procedure

Access Security Executive Order

Delegation of Authority - Commission Vehicles

Delegation of Authority - Authorization to Operate FWC Vehicles for Temporary Agency Employees

Delegation of Authority - Large Utility Vehicle

FWC Vehicle Purchases

Pay Increase Guidelines and Requirements

Euthanizing/Humane Killing of Wildlife

Finance and Budget Office Memorandums

2012-01: Social Security Numbers on Travel Forms

2015-01: Flair Access Request Form

2015-02: Travel Reimbursement Voucher Receipt Date

2016-01: Chief Operating Officer Review Requirements

Interim Policy Memorandum

2022-01: IPM 2022-01 PCard Fuel (new 12/6/2022)

2022-02: IPM 2022-02 Attractive Items (new 12/7/2022)

2023-01: Distribution of Internal Management Policies and Procedures (new 9/20/2023)

2024-01: IPM 2024-01 Use of Commission Vessels Update to IMPP 5.3 (rev. 4/25/2024) 

Chapter 1 General Administration

1.1   Administrative Policies and Procedures (rev. 11/4/21)
1.3   Closure of Facilities Occupied by FWC Employees (new 11/18/2016)
1.6   Opening/Closing Order Procedures
1.7   Commission Records
1.8   Office of Inspector General
1.10   Employee Recognition Programs
1.12   Authority, Responsibility and Function of Regional, Division and Office Directors, and Staff (rev. 2/24/2017)
1.13   Internal Communication
1.15   Commission Assistance to Commercial Film or Video
1.16   Pending Law Suits File
1.18   Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) (rev. 04/09/2020)
1.24   Submission and Publication of Technical Papers
1.32   Commission Orders
1.33   External Customer Service
1.34   Work Use of Firearms by Non-Sworn FWC Employees (rev. 03/26/2024)
1.35   Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) (new 4/16/2022)
FWC Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) Use and Safety Manual (rev. 9/1/2023)

Chapter 2 Finance & Accounting

2.5 Documentation of Financial Transactions

Chapter 3 Information Technology

3.4 Wireless Communication Policy (rev. 05/22/2024)
3.6 IT Project Governance (rev 05/22/2024)
3.7 Information Technology Resource Usage Policy (rev. 11/09/2022)
3.9 Audio and Video Recording (new 05/22/2024)
3.12 Mobile Device Use and Management (rev. 05/22/2024)

Legal Name Memo (new 6/09/2021)

Chapter 4 Purchasing

FWC Purchasing Manual (rev. 6/30/2023)

4.1 Procurement (rev. 3/17/2017)
4.2 Contract and Lease Agreements
4.3 Construction Contracts (rev. 05/04/2020)
4.4 Use of State Purchasing Card

4.5 Professional Services Contracts (new 04/09/2020)

Chapter 5 General Services

5.2 Workplace Safety and Loss Prevention Program (rev. 11/8/2017)
Workplace Safety and Loss Prevention Manual (new 11/9/2017)
5.3 Use of Commission Vehicles, Vessels, Equipment, and Aircraft
5.5 Building Renovation, Demolition, and Asbestos
5.8 Property (rev 2/18/2021)
5.9 Telephone and Radio Acquisition, Use Installations and Repairs
5.11 Chemical Immobilization Drug Policy and Procedures
5.12 Bulk Fuel Use (rev. 3/31/2016)

Memo of Authorization to Operate Commission Vehicles (Rev 1/2019)
Memorandum on Indoor Smoking (7/23/2019)

Chapter 6 Human Resources

6.1 Standards of Disciplinary Actions for Misconduct for FWC Career Service Employees (rev. 2/20/2017)
6.2 Critical Incident Stress Management (rev. 08/13/2024)
6.4 Performance Evaluation System (rev. 7/12/2016)
6.6 Dual Employment and Conflict of Interest
6.9 Volunteers (rev. 04/09/2020)
6.12 Internships (rev. 06/07/2018)
6.17 Continuing Education
6.19 Perquisites and Sale of Goods and Services (rev. 02/10/2021)
6.23 Payment of Employees Moving Expenses
6.25 Sick Leave Pool and Sick Leave Donations (rev. 3/3/2017)
6.26 Drug and Alcohol Testing
6.29 Equal Employment Opportunities/Affirmative Action Plan/ Americans With Disabilities Act
6.31 Sexual Harassment (rev. 8/13/2023)
6.32 Fundraising/Solicitation (rev. 7/12/2016)
6.33 Employees Involvement in Sports Activities (rev. 05/04/2023)
6.34 Employee Conduct and Demeanor (rev. 09/19/2023)
6.35 Employee Attire, Rank, Dress Standards and Personal Appearance
6.41 FWC Purchase of Retirement Service Credit
6.42 Terminal Leave
6.43 Vacant Positions (9/7/2023)
6.44 Code of Ethics
6.45 Domestic, Sexual and Workplace Violence
6.46 Employee Criminal History Check (rev. 3/31/2023)
6.47 Telework (rev. 4/13/2023)
6.48 Family Medical Leave Act (rev. 1/22/2024)
6.49 Training (new 11/8/2017)

Career Service Grievance Procedures

Sick Leave Transfer Plan

Work Force Reduction Plan Aug 2011